This entry is PART 2 OF a 3 Parts and if you havent read the one before this one go back and read that then continue here.

Now that you are back, hopefully you have decided who you are or what you want your Identity to be, for example.

Mark Whalberg is an actor. He is identified as that not just by words, but through continued action. Keywords, continued and action. He has countless movies he has appeared in and if I were a betting man I am sure there will be more.

How did he get there?

Well Im gambling a little here, but im pretty sure it started like this. I want to be an actor, or something along those lines. Thats a nice start and if that was all it took well, wouldnt that be nice? or not? Because truly whats the fun in getting or becoming what you want just by saying it? The adventure is where the fun is right?

On the right track I would say, there is a period of time that must pass through continued action before you can identify or be identified as said identity you have chosen. One way to help aide in that process is through building a system.

A system can be defined as

*searches google Miriam Webster definition of system

an organized set of doctrines, ideas, or principles usually intended to explain the arrangement of a systematic whole

also there is this one

an organized or establish procedure

heres a sexy one I like this one

harmonious arrangement or pattern

Ok now that we have read the definition of system how do we understand what it means in an applied sense.

Ill help explain in a question.

What do you do on a consistent basis that makes you what you say you are? and if you arent what you said you want to be already what do you think you need to do?

Lets circle back to the Mark Whalberg example, if you could guess what needs to be done to be an actor what do you think it would be? Im back to being a betting man again and honestly im coming off as a gambler, i dont really like it, but here we are.

Maybe, just maybe, he takes acting classes, works on his appearance, works on his public speaking, attends auditions for roles, interacts with people who are involved in the process of making movies, etc, etc, etc.

Now apply this to you and the identity you have chosen. What ideas, principles, and procedures must you complete in order to explain what you are through action to yourself and others?

Thats a real question, once you have figured that out we can now dig into Part 3 of 3, you are in this for the long haul, well you should be if you have chosen this as your identity, and now that you have established both that and the system you think explains that lets now talk about what your day to day looks like or in other words, how your daily routine helps wrap all of this together.

See you tomorrow morning